Episode 57
#57: Country Artists: Eric Ethridge & Kalsey Kulyk - Love on the Road
Hey Creative People, this week I'm chatting with country music artists Eric Ethridge & Kalsey Kulyk. Kalsey and Eric tell me about their life in country music pre/post Covid, and about their new project "Love on the Road".
I know next to nothing about country music but what we lack in music overlap we make up for connection over creativity and how the two of them interact with it. These two are driven, positive, and crazy cute together. Great chat.
Have a good week buds. Keep making.
- RL
Oh PS: There was an issue with the audio - that's been fixed.
"Self-made singer songwriter Eric Ethridge is making his way across North America connecting with audiences and living out his wildest dreams. With an undoubtedly unique path, this past year has seen him pivot from a profession as a doctor to full-time country artist. Still practicing when he released his first self-titled EP, which features his breakout single debut, “If You Met Me First,” the ability to express himself creatively was what always gave him the most joy. “To me, a successful life is doing something you love while changing people’s lives for the better while doing it.”"
""My friends say I make people cry. I don’t want to make anyone cry, I just want to make them feel something."
Kalsey Kulyk's effortlessly bright and unmistakable vocal, paired with thought-provoking lyrics and overall messaging, is something most songwriters never master. “After my parents’ divorce, my dad would listen to ‘Nobody Knows It But Me,’ by Kevin Sharp, over and over again. I knew exactly what he was feeling without him telling me what he was feeling. That’s when I knew what music could do for people. That’s what I want to do for people.”"
"Eric Ethridge and Kalsey Kulyk though solo artists in their own right, Eric and Kalsey are also married, and due to the pandemic decided to make the move back to Canada from Nashville, fix up a van and take their talents cross-country, filming it all for their forthcoming digital series “Love On The Road”. "